رمز موفقیت در تربیت و فرزندپروری ، رفاقت و برقراری رابطه صمیمانه با فرزندتان است .
اگر تلاشی در این راستا نداشته باشید ،
دیگران جای خالی شما را پر خواهند کرد .
In order to better understand the reasons behind the existing hostility between Israel and Iran, first we need to know their beliefs and ideologies.
Iran is a Muslim (Shia) country. Shiism is a sect of Islam which in a simple word, believes in the leadership and follows the successors whom the Prophet of Islam determined after himself.
The successors of the Prophet whom begin with the Prophet`s son-in-law, Imam Ali (PBUH) as the first Imam of Shias and continues till the 12th Successor whose name is Imam Mahdi (PBUH), the savior of Final Era and has been promised in divine holy books. His name is Mahdi and will return jointly with Jesus (PBUH) in order to establish peace and justice at Final Era.
Since Shia follows Imams and the tradition of the Prophet of Islam, therefore; one of the Shias` characteristics is that they confront any oppression wherever it occurs as their Imams were always fighting and standing against tyranny and injustice. For example, 3rd Imam of Shias, Imam Hussein (PBUH), sacrificed not only his own life but also his family`s, children`s and companions` lives to stand against cruelty.
Additionally, Shias believe that all of us are human and equal; all of us deserve peace and tranquility. Therefore; when a nation is oppressed, we as human and brothers must fight against tyranny even if the oppressed nation is not from our own race, religion or language.
Now let’s examine the ideology of Israel. Israel is a Zionist regime. Briefly speaking, Zionists are the deviated Jews whose main targets and aims are confiscation of money and power in order to rule the world. Moreover; Zionists believe that any mean is justified if it leads to their ends and they remove their barriers in any possible way. Based on this viewpoint, Zionists have seized the home of the Palestinians and forced them out of their homes. And whoever from the Palestinians who wants to protect his homeland, shall be killed.
To rule the world, Israel does everything including infanticide, genocide, waging war in the other countries, distorting the religious beliefs and any other actions which destroys other nations or make them slave and obedient.
Therefore; Israel is an obvious oppression.
As we said already; out of humanity, Shias never consort with the oppressor and always stand against its cruelty.
Therefore; these two (Iran and Israel) cannot be friends.
Another reason for the hostility between Israel and Iran is the problems which Israel creates for Iran. Assassination of the Iranian scientists and elites, US sanctions against Iran, incitement of other countries to attack Iran, propagation of lies about Iran and Shias by media and also creation of economical, social and cultural problems, all of which are triggered by Zionists and it is provable based on evidences and documents.
In fact, Iran has problem with the Zionism ideology which is nothing but massacre and violation of other people’s rights while Israel regime is the manifest of this ideology.
You may read more about Zionism in this website and get notified of their negative impacts on the world.
There are a few Hadith in Sunni books that Ali Ibn Abi Talib considers the superiority of Abu Bakr and Umar more than himself, or as the best people after the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Let’s look at the source of these Ahadith and then compare with other Ahadith of Sunni books.
1- Hadith about Ali (PBUH) or from him should be common hadith between Shia and Sunni, or be found in Shia sources too or be Motawater, otherwise they are not acceptable.
Usually one of the people who has narrated these Ahadith is unknown or Sunni Scholars have emphasized that he is not trustable. Also these Ahadith are not Motawater. Overall the sources of these Ahadith are weak.
On the other hand at least one hadith like these should be mentioned in Shia sources, but there is no one.
2- Everyone knows that prophet Muhammad never lies and his words are superior to all words even Ali ibn Abi Talib. So how that hadith can be acceptable when the prophet himself has talked about Ali’s superiority to all, over and over?
The prophet says:
“ if all trees become pens, and all seas become ink, and all Jinn (elves) become accountant, and all human become writer, they won’t be able to count Ali ibn Abi Talib’s virtues”
(Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Lisan al-Mizan, V 5, P 162. Al-Dhahabi, Mizan-ul-I’teadal, P 467)
“The wisest nation after me is Ali ibn abi Talib, peace be upon him” (Juwaini, Farāʼid al-Simṭayn, V 1, P 97)
“Ali is with Quran and Quran is with Ali, and they won’t be separated…”
(al- Mustadrak, V 3, P 124)
“O Ammar! If you see Ali goes to a way and others go to another way, you should go to Ali’s way and leave the others because Ali does not lead people to bad and inferiority, and he does not people astray from the guidance route”
(al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Ta’rikh Baghdad, V 4, P 410. Abu Nu`aym al-Isfahani, Hilyat al-awliya, V 1, P 186)
There are several Hadith from the prophet in Sunni books about virtues of Ali ibn Abi Talib over all.
3- According to the Sunni sources, most of Sahabah (companions of the prophet) have confessed to the superiority of Ali Ibn Abi Talib over all. Such as al-Tirmidhi who has narrated from Aisha bint Abi Bakr that Ali ibn Abi Talib is the most precious one for the prophet.( Jami’ at-Tirmidhi, V 5, P362. Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain, V 3, P 157)
Abdullah son of Ahmad ibn Hanbal ask his father about the superiority of Sahabah after the prophet. Ahmad ibn Hanbal name three Caliphs in turn. Then Abdullah say: so what about Ali ibn Abi Talib?? He answers: Ali is from Ahlul Bayt and nobody can be compared with him. (Manaqib al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, P 163)
al-Dhahabi says superiority of Ali ibn Abi Talib is not Bid’ah because a group of Sahabah and Tabi’un (followers of Sahabah) believed in it. (Siyar A’lam al-Nubala by al-Dhahabi, V 16, P 457)
Ibn Hazm has narrated from a group of Sahabah and Islamic scholars that the best one after the prophet is Ali ibn Abi Talib. (al-Faṣl fī al-milal wa-al-ahwāʼ wa-al-niḥal, V 4, P 181)
Also Ibn Abd al-Barr, one of the greatest Sunni scholars mentions that a group of Sahabah knew Ali ibn Abi Talib as the first one who accepted Islam and he is superior to others. (Al-Isti’ab fi Ma’rifat al-ashab, V 3, 1090)
4- Abu Bakr himself confess he is not superior or the best:
“ولّیتکم وَ لَستُ بخیرکم”
“I accepted your leadership while I wasn’t your best”
(Ibn Sa’d Ibn Mani, Tabaqat Al-Kubra, V 3, P 182. Tafsir Al-Qurtobi, V 3, P 262. ibn Qutayba al-Dinawari, al-Imama wal-Siyasa, P 22. al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-Ummal, V 5, P 636. And more…)
5- there are some valid and reliable narratives from Ali ibn Abi Talib in which he emphasize on his superiority. Ibn Abi’l Hadid narrates in Sharh Nahj-ul-Balaghah, V 10, Part 20, P 25:
وقال عثمان لعلی علیه السلام إنّک إن تربّصت بی فقد تربّصت بمن هو خیر منّی ومنک،
قال: ومن هو خیر منّی؟
قال: أبو بکر وعمر.
فقال: کذبت ، أنا خیر منک ومنهما ، عبدت اللّه قبلکم وعبدته بعدکم.
“ Uthman told Ali: if you were waiting for me, I would be waiting for someone better than you and me.
Ali said: and who is better than me?
Uthman replied: Abu Bakr and Umar.
So Ali said: you lied, I am better than you and those two, (because) I have been worshipping Allah before you and after you.
Overall, it turns out that not only those hadith about superiority of Caliphs to Ali ibn Abi Talib have not reliable sources, but also they are in contrary with the reality!
When there are many authentic hadith from the prophet, Sahabah, Scholars and even Ali himself about his superiority to all, so just a few contrary statements cannot be acceptable. They are rejected by both Shia and Sunni sources.
This question has several answers.
The holy Quran has chosen the colloquial language of people which is the best way to communicate with them and people sometimes switch pronouns in their colloquial language. It is said in one of the verses of the holy Quran that: “انتم الفقراء الی الله…” “It is ye that have need of Allah” and the pronoun انتم “ye” is masculine while it’s a public address and includes men and women and any wise person understands that it means all people, not just men. In some languages including Arabic, about the plural and singular pronouns, we see that people use the plural pronoun many times instead of singular pronoun in which for both the pronouns “we” and “you” – that have a plural form – the speaker means singular, but the plural pronoun is used for courtesy, respect and honoring. So regarding the sublime Allah (God) “نحن” “we” is used for formality and courtesy.
Anyway, in order to mention his magnificence to addressee, the speaker uses the word “we” instead of using “I” which is a sign of magnificence and greatness of the speaker.
For instance, although Allah (God) can heal the sick or satiate the hungry or guide the misled directly and without any medium, according to his doctrine he has chosen this way that for any deed he has determined specific channels and executes any deed through the same channel. Then he will satiate the hungry by the bread that he himself has created, heal the sick by the medicine that he himself has created and by the doctor that he has created and trained. Of course bread and doctor and medicine and all instruments take effect with his permission and have their own special results while medicine and doctor and bread and water and everything get their existence constantly from him and have these effects at his will then these effects do not disagree with oneness and uniqueness of Allah (God) in any aspect and they are not partners of Allah (God) but creatures that are in need of him in their everything including the effects that they have.
Then sometimes the sublime Allah (God), in order to attract our attention to the instruments that he has determined for executing a deed, instead of saying I did, states “we did”.
For example under 61st verse of the Surah Yunus in Tafsir Nemooneh it is siad:
Plural form in reference to Allah (God), while his pure nature is unique and singular, is to indicate the magnificence of his status and the fact that there are always agents obeying him who are ready and present to obey his orders and in fact words are not only about him but from him and all those agents who are obedient to him.
“I didn’t want to be created. Why did God create me to sin and then send me to hell to suffer a huge pain?”
The sentence “I didn’t want to be created…” is basically wrong, because “I” didn’t exist at all so I couldn’t have meant to be created or to have wished to be created or not!
Without a shade of doubt every one not only likes to be created, but also loves the one who created him i.e. the Elevated God. When the benevolent creator created us he ingrained his love and the love of “being” in our nature. This is the creation and it never changes.
We know that God created humans from soil i.e. God granted a huge honor to that amount of worthless soil and appointed him as his successor. So everyone likes his or her existence and the idea “I disagree to be created” is not a real idea in our nature but a compelling slogan.
The question why God created us to sin and then send us to hell, is
compelled by the disappointed Satan who has the knowledge that will be
sent to hell, and it intends to deceive human beings to believe that
they will be sent to hell too.
In order to achieve its purpose, it makes human hate the creation and
the creator, because the hatred of creation is as same as the hatred of
the benevolent creator.
God has never said that “I have created you to sin and then to send you to hell”, but he said “I created you in order to be a complete symbol of me, to be an emanation of my light, to be my successor, to love me, and I become your beloved”. If you want to achieve this perfection you must pass through the path which leads to cognition.
You sometimes may neglect and exit the path, do not worry about it. Stand up again and return to the path and continue. Be sure I myself will support you as if nothing has happened.
قُلْ یَا عِبَادِیَ الَّذِینَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنْفُسِهِمْ لاَ تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ یَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِیعاً إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِیمُ
“Say: o my servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for he is oft-forgiving, most merciful. (39:53).
God talks about love, kindness, perfection, and beauty all over the Quran and he says that all sins will be forgiven.
Now someone may say: “O God! I do not want to enjoy your blessings. I dislike to take the right path. I like totakethe wrong path which leads to hell.I do not want to enjoy your compassion, mercy, munificence, bounty, and forgiveness. But tell me why you created me to sin and go to hell?” This is his problem. He himself wants to go this path. This was the fault that Satan did and it tempts humans to do that again. If one obeys Satan instead of God, the Satan’s destiny will be his destiny too.