ترک گناه و حرام
ویدئو کلیپ زیبا از استاد رائفی پور در رابطه با ترک گناه و حرام

Mr.RaefiPour's speeches : The critism on the Masonic Pyramid
This is the pyramid that they drew, “The Pyramid of Power”. On the top of this pyramid, there is a single-eyed creature whose left eye is toward you. If you put yourself instead of it, you understand that is the left eye. They call him “Lucifer!!!” It means the Devil. If you ask Satanists where your Satan is, they will answer that currently he is living on the Planet Venus until we would prepare the Earth for his sovereignty. Then he will come.
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Mr.RaefiPour's speeches : Numbers in Kabbalah
Lecturer: Mr. RaefiPour
Solomon captured 72 of the most important devils from the Jinn and they worked for him for free.
72 is the number of power for deviant Judaism, Kabbalah. It’s interesting!!
A Moment for Thinking – The Creation of the Universe

The Creation of the Universe
A Moment for Thinking
The Creation of the Universe
Nahjul Balagha – Sermon 1
Imam Ali ᴾᴮᵁᴴ the first Shia Imam
The tragedy of Waco

The tragedy of Waco
Eventually, on April 19th, 1993, the second attack took place and this siege ended with the burning of the Davidians’ camp and killing of 76 people including 20 children and 2 pregnant women. David Koresh, Steve Schneider, 52 other adults, 25 children and 2 trauma born infants perish in the April 19th fire.
The Myth of Ethnic Cleansing

The Myth of Ethnic Cleansing
There is a myth called ethnic cleansing.
What does it mean? According to the myth of the superior race, the only pure race in the world is the Jews[Zionists].
so when they enter a land or a country, the rest of the inhabitants must be killed.
The myth of the Promised Land
In May 1948, Rabbi Joseph Gedaliah Klausner, said at the American Jewish Congress: “… I am convinced that Jews must be forced to migrate to Palestine. It is not a new program. It was used before, and most recently … The first step in such a program is the adoption of the principle that it is the conviction of the world Jewish community that these people must go to Palestine. To effect this program, it becomes necessary for the Jewish community… to make them [displaced persons] as uncomfortable as possible…” He means if they live in Iraq, then plant bombs in Iraq so they fear and come here.
?Are you the great sacrifice

He says: “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

نفوذ انگلیس در حوزه
Distorted Book

“And it came to pass at eventide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon” [According to the Torah], Prophet David has gone to the rooftop to peep!
15 minutes with the Christians

Mr.RaefiPour’s Speeches
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Christ ᴾᴮᵁᴴ tells the rabbis that you have become interested in the container and don’t care about the content of the container.
They want you to be like this

They say: “The United Nations has established some standards and you should adapt yourself to them.” Let me tell you the statistics of cancer in the world. Which country has the highest cancer rates in the world? Denmark, one of the most well-off and standardized countries, that some of our guys are dying for it and are intoxicated with its name. Denmark has the highest cancer rates in the world.
Human Sacrifice – PART 1

This is Mr. Aleister Crowley. The jinn that appeared to him and dictated this book to him is named Aiwass. Mr. Crowley says he introduced himself as Aiwass to me. He says the devil sent Aiwass to me to send his revelation to me through him and I wrote down his dictation on the eighth, ninth, and tenth of April, in 1904; i. e, one hundred and seven years ago. This Mr. Aleister Crowley is a very strange and influential person in the history of the world. This man has said something weird hand strange. Notice what he says, he says that he has participated Babalon jinn, the lady in red, who is one of the mysteries of Freemasonry, with his semen, in the womb of dozens of women.
THE USS LIBERTY, Every American Must Know

Stay with us for a few minutes to investigate the USS Liberty incident… “Liberty”, which was a cargo vessel during WWII, was converted into a spy vessel by the top secret U.S. National Security Agency, and was equipped with the most advanced electronic eavesdropping, tracing and signal transmission equipment.

Ghadir and sahabah
Into the Light – Mrs. Kirsteen (Zeinab) James

Into the Light
Mrs. Kirsteen (Zeinab) James from Australia
How she converted to Islam.
Educated in philosophy and modern language, Oxford University Modern European literature Oxford University College of Law, London.
دانلود #کلیپ بسیارمهم
یکی از #وظایف_منتظران
سئوالی که پس از ظهور، نوه ات از تو خواهد پرسید...
استاد #پناهیان
#ویژه #اربعین
Who is an awaiting person? – part 1
Who is an awaiting person? – part 1
“Awaiting for the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi is a kind of worship, actually the best of worships”.
The abundance in the number of prostrating is the sign of being Imam Mahdi’s helper.
Who is an awaiting person? – part 2

Who is an awaiting person? – part 2
My dear audience, for the Reappearance, you have to plan. For the Reappearance, short-term, medium-term and long-term goals should be considered. For the Reappearance, you should prepare yourself, you should set a plan, and you should organize a system for the Reappearance. I want to talk about this issue.
کلیپ/ استاد رائفی پور - فضائل حضرت زهرا سلام الله علیه

کیفیت 360p دانلود
در شب نیمه شعبان طوفان به پا میکنیم!
تا مبادا وهبی از سپاه حسین زمان جا بماند
وعده ما: یکشنبه، 8 فروردین ماه 1400
ساعت 21:00 الی 24:00
با هشتگ زیر
به طرز نوشتن هشتگ دقت فرمایید
Beautiful World
The rule of twelfth Imam will be based on religious sovereignty and refusal of laicism and secularism. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will rule on the basis of Quran and his goal is to fully realize justice, not just in a limited domain but on the whole world.
At the time of arrival of the savior, the nature will act differently. The animals will cooperate with men. The paradise in which Adam and Eve dwelled and were expelled from, will be founded again on the earth.
The light in the darkness