Quets (Hadith) from Imam Hussain (PBUH)
- بادِروا بِصِحَّةِ الأجسامِ فی مُدَّةِ الأعمارِ
“Try to keep your body healthy during your lifetime.”
Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.239.
- مَن عَبَدَ اللّه َ حَقَّ عِبادَتِهِ آتاهُ اللّه ُ فَوقَ أمانِیِّهِ و کِفایَتِهِ
“Whoever worships God as He really deserves it, God will grant and bestow upon him more than his wishes and capabilities.”
Bihar al-Anwar, vol.71, p.183.
- لاتَقولُوا بِألسِنَتِکُم ما یَنقُصُ عَن قَدرِ کُم
“Do not utter something which degrades you.”
Jila al-Oyoun (جلاءالعیون), vol.2, p.205.
- إنَّ حَوائِجَ النّاسِ اِلَیکُم مِن نِعَمِ اللّه ِ عَلَیکُم فَلاتَمَلُّوا النِّعَمَ
“The needs of people to you is one of Gods bounties on you, do not detest or feel depressed by these needs.”
Bihar al-Anwar, vol.74, p.205.
- مَن سَرَّهُ أن یُنسَأَ فی أَجَلِهِ و یُزادَ فی رِزقِهِ فَلیَصِلْ رَحِمَهُ
“Whoever wishes to postpone his death and boost his daily income should tie bonds with his relatives.”
Bihar al-Anwar, vol.74, p.91.