شهید دکتر احمدرضا احدی

۳۷ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «مسلمان» ثبت شده است

Who is an awaiting person? - part 2


Who is an awaiting person? – part 2

My dear audience, for the Reappearance, you have to plan. For the Reappearance, short-term, medium-term and long-term goals should be considered. For the Reappearance, you should prepare yourself, you should set a plan, and you should organize a system for the Reappearance. I want to talk about this issue.


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اجتماع بزرگ مردمی عید بیعت در شهر اراک

اجتماع بزرگ مردمی عید بیعت در شهر اراک

اجتماع مردمی عید بیعت

همزمان با اقصی نقاط ایران

در شهر اراک

وعده ما: پنجشنبه 16 آبان همزمان با سالروز آغاز امامت حضرت مهدی

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کلیپ استاد پناهیان «یکی از وظایف منتظران»

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یکی از #وظایف_منتظران

سئوالی که پس از ظهور، نوه ات از تو خواهد پرسید...

استاد #پناهیان

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یکی از قهرمانان گمنام کشور

یکی از قهرمانان گمنام کشور

عزیز محمدی‌منش، معلم اهل لرستان، 20ساله برای یافتن دانش‌آموزانی که هرگز شانسی برای آموزش نداشته‌اند، به کوه‌ها و روستاهای دورافتاده میره و با هزینه و خرج خودش بهشون خواندن و نوشتن می‌آموزد...

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بالاترین لذت بعد از مسلمان شدن

???? رسول خدا(ص) می فرمایند: مرد مسلمان بعد از بهره اسلام هیچ لذت و بهره ای بالاتر از همسری مسلمان نخواهد برد که چون بدو نگرد مسرورش سازد و چون به او فرمان دهد اطاعتش نماید و در عدم حضورش از مال و آبروی او محافظت کند. (من لا یحضره الفقیه، ترجمه، ج5، ص19)

1️⃣ رسول خدا(ص) لذت همسردار شدن را در کنار مسلمان شدن قرار داده این یعنی بالاترین مرتبه در بین سایر لذات موجود یعنی اگر می خواهیم به بالاترین لذت برسیم، بنابر روایت، ازدواج کردن بهترین و بالاترین لذت بعد از مسلمان بودن است.

2️⃣ حضرت رسول (ص) می فرمایند که این لذت و بهره عظیم در ازدواج با یک همسر مسلمان است نه غیر مسلمان. ممکن است برخی این نکته را مطرح کنند که با فرد غیر مسلمان ازدواج کرده اند و زندگی خوب و خوشی را دارند، بله. ممکن است این اتفاق بیفتد ولی باید این نکته را فراموش نکرد که از نظر پیامبر (ص) بالاترین بهره و لذت از همسری مسلمان است و  موارد دیگر در رتبه بعدی قرار دارد. همچنین این نکته حائز اهمیت است که در صورت مختلف بودن ادیان زوجین، احتمال اختلاف به دلیل گوناگونی در انجام تکلیف و عبادات و نگرش مختلف به مسائل، بیش از پیش وجود دارد.

3️⃣ نکته دیگری که می توان از این روایت برداشت کرد این مطلب است که حضرت رسول (ص) ویژگی های یک همسر مسلمان و نمونه را که باعث لذت بردن همسرش از وی می شود (که البته بالاترین لذت و بهره هم بعد از مسلمانی است) نیز بیان می کنند. در واقع اگر زوجین می خواهند به بالاترین لذت و بهره بعد از مسلمان شدن برسند این نکات را باید در زندگی رعایت کنند.

برگرفته از گروه پژوهش واحد خانواده (قندآب)
موسسه فرهنگی هنری مصاف
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صحیفه سجادیه : دعای 26 : دعا برای همسایگان و دوستانش


و از دعاهاى آن حضرت علیه‏السلام است درباره همسایگان و بستگان خویش هرگاه یاد آنها مى‏کرد

خدایا! درود بر محمد و آل او فرست. و به بهترین وجهى مرا در مراعات حق همسایگان و بستگان من یارى کن که حق ما را شناختند و از دشمنان ما تبرى جستند.

وَ وَفِّقْهُمْ لِإِقَامَةِ سُنَّتِکَ ، وَ الْأَخْذِ بِمَحَاسِنِ أَدَبِکَ فِی إِرْفَاقِ ضَعِیفِهِمْ ، وَ سَدِّ خَلَّتِهِمْ ، وَ عِیَادَةِ مَرِیضِهِمْ ، وَ هِدَایَةِ مُسْتَرْشِدِهِمْ ، وَ مُنَاصَحَةِ مُسْتَشِیرِهِمْ ، وَ تَعَهُّدِ قَادِمِهِمْ ، وَ کِتَْمانِ أَسْرَارِهِمْ ، وَ سَتْرِ عَوْرَاتِهِمْ ، وَ نُصْرَةِ مَظْلُومِهِمْ ، وَ حُسْنِ مُوَاسَاتِهِمْ بِالْمَاعُونِ ، وَ الْعَوْدِ عَلَیْهِمْ بِالْجِدَةِ وَ الْإِفْضَالِ ، وَ إِعْطَاءِ مَا یَجِبُ لَهُمْ قَبْلَ السُّؤَالِ [2]
و آنان را توفیق ده که سنت تو را برپاى دارند و آداب نیکوى تو را فرا گیرند. ناتوانان خود را یارى کنند و حاجت ایشان را برآورند. بیماران را عیادت کنند. طالبان حق را راه نمایند، و مشورت‏جوى را خیرخواه باشند. و بازگشته از سفر را دیدن کنند، راز همکنان را پنهان دارند و عیب آنان را بپوشند و به یارى ستمدیدگان برخیزند. و در رخت و کالا مواسات یکدیگر نمایند. دارائى و احسان خود را از دیگران دریغ ندارند، و آنچه باید ببخشند پیش از سئوال ببخشند.

وَ اجْعَلْنِی اللَّهُمَّ أَجْزِی بِالْإِحْسَانِ مُسِیئَهُمْ ، وَ أُعْرِضُ بِالتَّجَاوُزِ عَنْ ظَالِمِهِمْ ، وَ أَسْتَعْمِلُ حُسْنَ الظَّنِّ فِی کَافَّتِهِمْ ، وَ أَتَوَلَّى بِالْبِرِّ عَامَّتَهُمْ ، وَ أَغُضُّ بَصَرِی عَنْهُمْ عِفَّةً ، وَ أُلِینُ جَانِبِی لَهُمْ تَوَاضُعاً ، وَ أَرِقُّ عَلَى أَهْلِ الْبَلَاءِ مِنْهُمْ رَحْمَةً ، وَ أُسِرُّ لَهُمْ بِالْغَیْبِ مَوَدَّةً ، وَ أُحِبُّ بَقَاءَ النِّعْمَةِ عِنْدَهُمْ نُصْحاً ، وَ أُوجِبُ لَهُمْ مَا أُوجِبُ لِحَامَّتِی ، وَ أَرْعَى لَهُمْ مَا أَرْعَى لِخَاصَّتِی . [3]
خدایا مرا توفیق ده که بد کردار را به نیکى پاداش دهم و از ستمگرانشان درگذرم. و با همه‏ى آنها به حسن‏ظن رفتار کنم. و به نیکى کار همه آنها را بسازم و به عفت از آنها چشم فروپوشم و نرمى و فروتنى نمایم. و بر آسیب‏دیدگان ایشان رحمت آرم و دلسوزى کنم و در باطن دل آنها را دوست بدارم و خیرخواه آنان باشم و بقاء نعمت آنان را بخواهم و هر چه براى خویشان خود واجب شمارم براى آنان نیز واجب شمارم و هرگونه خاصان خود را رعایت مى‏کنم آنان را رعایت کنم.

خدایا درود بر محمد و آل او فرست و روزى کن که آنها با من چنین رفتار کنند و از آنچه نزد ایشان است بهره‏ى کاملتر به من عطا فرما و بصیرت آنان را در حق من بیفزاى و معرفت آنان را به فضل من افزون کن تا آنها به من نیکبخت شوند و من به آنها. آمین رب العالمین.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰


Imamate (Leadership and Succession)

God says in the Holy Quran:

“The day we shall call forth all mankind along with their Imams (leaders), (meaning resurrection day)” (17-71)

And in another verse God recalls two groups of Imams in Quran:

The first group:

“We turned them into Imams who invite to the Fire. On Resurrection Day they will not be supported” (28-41)

According to this verse, there are a group of Imams who invite to fire. So there should be some Imams to invite to the paradise.

 The second group:

“And We made of them Imams to guide by Our command when they were patient And they were certain of Our revelations” (32-24)

This group has two characteristics: 1- patience, 2- Certainty about God’s revelations. It is obvious which one we should choose between first group and second group.

The holy Quran does not allow us to follow everyone but our duty has been expressed in the 35th verse of Surah “Yunus”:

“Is He then who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who himself does not go aright unless he is guided?” What then is the matter with you; how do you judge” (10-35)

The purpose of prophet hood is to bring teachings which release mankind from ignorance. This was the target of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during 23 years of his prophet hood. The teachings of each prophet were to be strengthened by the next prophet alongside history and in this way; they opposed the alteration and decline of god’s commandments. But since Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the last prophet and his religion was the most perfect (in considering details) so this responsibility is on Imam (a guide, a leader) to express his teachings correctly to people and prevent from distorting. It is only infallible person (Imam) which may be the best religious reference for people.

That is why, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) introduced Imam Ali (PBUH) as his successor and the first Imam in the day of Qadir, and after his time, 11 Imams from his descendants, who were chosen by God, followed him. Shia sect is the only religion which believes in all 12 imams and also believes that the 12th Imam is absent and he and Prophet Jesus will reappear to carry out God’s commandments and divine justice in the world.

Imamate in Shia and Sunni sects

Sunni Scholars are two categories in this regard. Some of them consider Imamate as one principles of religion and some of them as secondary affairs.

Abdullah –Ibn- Omar Beizavi (D.685H) discusses about principle affairs and secondary affairs and denotes about secondary affairs: “If one denies or opposes one of secondary affairs, he is neither blasphemer, nor heretic, unlike Imamat that if one denies or opposes it, becomes blasphemer and heretic.” (Menhaj-ul-Vosul ela elm-ol-Osul p75-76)

Also, Sabki on of the most renowned Sunni scholars, discuss about principle and secondary affairs and he adds: “Unlike Imamate which is one the principles. Objection and denial of Imamate is heresy and shall have dire consequences for men and community.” (Al-Enhaj, Vol. 4, p 296)

 Some other Sunni elders consider Imamate to be one secondary affairs. Ghazali (D.H505) writes down: “Imamate is not an important matter or one of the subjects of beliefs, but a subject of jurisprudence.” (Al-eghtesad fi –l-eeteghad, Vol. 1, p 453)

In all Islamic sects, it is only Shia which denotes Imamate to be one of the principles of religion and accepts 12 Imam.

The Holy Quran says:

“Accept anything the Messenger may give you, and keep away from anything he withholds from you” (59-7)


“Obey Allah (God) and obey the Messenger” (64-12)

Obedience toward Allah is accompanied by obedience toward prophet which means it is mandatory to obey prophet as it is mandatory to obey Allah and it is forbidden to violate his instructions.

Prophet of Islam has introduced Imams and the savior of the last age which is their 12th by name an marks, in more than thousand quotations in Shia and Sunni books.

Imam Ali’s leadership (Imamate)

There are many verses in Quran which has been revealed about his virtues and excellence over other men. Many Shia and Sunni scholars named about 350 verses in this regard, but we shall suffice to some quotations of Sunni scholars in this matter.

Ibn Asaker one of the great scholars of Sunni faith writes down in the book of “The history of Damascus”:

“It is quoted from Ibn Abbas, 30 verses has been revealed about Ali (PBUH)” (The history of Damascus Vol.42, p364; The history of Caliphs, p171; al-Savaegh-ol-Muhraghih, p196)

Soyuti writes down in his book “The history of Caliphs”:

“There has not been revealed so many verses about anyone as Ali” (The history of Caliphs, p171; al-Savaegh-ol-Muhraghih, p127)

And even many Sunni scholars related that a quarter of Quran is about Ali (PBUH), but the most important verses about him are as follows:

“Your guardian is only Allah, His Apostle, and the faithful who maintain the prayer and give the Zakat (alms giving) while bowing down” (Holy Quran 5-55)

This verse is definitely about Imam Ali (PBUH); because it was revealed when Imam Ali, spared his ring while was bowing down in prayer to a poor man calling for alms. Many Sunni scholars are explicit that this verse is about Imam Ali (PBUH).

Ghazi azd-u-din Al-eeji (D. 756H) writes down:

“All interpreters of Holy Quran are unanimous that the meaning of this verse is Ali.” (Al-Mavaghef fi elm-al-kalam, p405)

And Saad-u-din Taftazani says explicitly:

“All interpreters of Holy Quran are unanimous that it is about Ali which spared his ring to a poor man while he was bowing down in prayer.”

And Ala-u-din Ali –Ibn- Muhammad Hanafi called Ghushji says:

“According to all interpreters of Quran it has been revealed about Ali Ibn Abi Talib when he spared his ring to a poor man while bowing down in prayer.”

And Alusi says:

“Most relaters believe this verse to be about Ali (PBUH)” (Ruh-ul-Maani, Vol. 6, p168)

Anyhow, apostle of Allah was aware of the future of his companions and the transformation of their beliefs and souls, so predicted their disobedience and their reluctance toward guardianship of Imam Ali (PBUH):

Hakim Neishaburi writes down in “al mustadrak”:

“Quoted from Ali: Prophet told me: “after me, people shall devise plot against you”. And he adds that “this is an authentic quotation but Bukhari and Muslim didn’t relate it.” (al-Mustadrak, Hakim Neishaburi (D.405H), Vol. 3, p 150)

Refusing prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about the guardianship of Imam Ali (PBUH) by his companions, was not their first disobedience. So their disagreement about the quotation of Qadir doesn’t suffice to refuse this quotation.

Imam’s flawlessness in Quran

There are many verses about Imam’s flawlessness in Quran. For example:

“Indeed Allah desires to repel all impurity from you, O People of the Household, and purify you with a thorough purification” (33-33)

This is one of the verses which revealed about excellence and greatness of Prophet Muhammad and his household and defines the scope of his household. The Sunni people should note that, this part has been revealed independently not alongside its former of latter parts. This can be easily proved by about 70 quotations in this regard. There is not even one quotation to relate that this part was revealed alongside other parts and it is addressed to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and there is not any scholar to even claim this. Even those scholars who consider this part to be addressed to prophet’s wives, like Akrama Khariji, don’t claim it to be revealed in the same line.

There is not any reason that this part was revealed alongside its former and latter part. If Sunni scholars claim the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to be from the household they should prove that this verse has been revealed in the same line with the other parts, but there is no proof for that.

Moreover, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had more than one household, and few wives with an independent house for each one; So if the meaning of this verse is the wives of the prophet, it should say “households” instead of “household” as it is said in the beginning of this verse:

“Stay in your houses” (33-33)

Or in the verse 53rd of Surah “Ahzab”:

“O! You who have faith! Do not enter the Prophet’s houses…”

So the meaning of this verse is not the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

It is interesting that none of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) claimed this verse to be about them or that they are part of its meaning. Most quotations in this regards has been related from Ayesha and Um-Salamah, which both of them insist that this is about the “companions of Cloak” (Ahl Al- Kesa, Ahl al-Bayt)

Many Sunni scholars, who address this verse without prejudices, confessed that the meaning of this verse is no one but the companions of cloak and doesn’t include the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Tahavi, one of the great scholars of Sunni sect writes down in his book:

“related from Amer Ibn Sa’ad from his father who said when this verse was revealed, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called Ali, Lady Fatima, Hassan and Hussain and said “O Allah, They are my household” so the meaning of this verse is Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain (PBUT)” (Tuhfat –ul- akhyar betartib Sarh Mushkil al-athar – Vol. 8, pp 470-471)

Samhudi another elder Sunni scholar writes down:

“They are the companions of cloak (Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain (PBUH)) and it is deduced from this verse that God has special regard about them.” (Javaher –ul- eghdain, p 204, section 1)

There are other verses in the Holy Quran to prove the flawlessness of Prophet Muhammad and Imams, which we recommend you to see interpretation books of Shia scholars including “Tafsir Al-Mizan, Allamah Tabatabaii”

“O! You who have faith! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those vested with authority among you.” (Holy Quran, 4-59)

This verse proves the flawlessness of prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and Imams (PBUH), because it prescribes the obedience to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and those vested with authority, in an unconditional way, which means that any order instructed by them should be obeyed in any condition.

If those vested with authority, are not to be flawless, they may intentionally or unintentionally give orders which is against the commandments of God or Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which in this way if their instruction is to be followed, so the commandments of God has been violated and if not be obeyed, then again the instructions of God has been violated.

This Paradox concludes that, they should be flawless. Even Fakhr Razi, the great Sunni interpreter, concludes flawlessness from this verse, and adds in the following of this verse:

“Thus it is proved that Allah’s command to obey those vested with authority is definite and also proved anyone, whose obedience is binding according to the commandment of god, should be flawless, so the people who are the meaning of this verse should be flawless.” (Tafsir al-Razi, Vol. 10, p144)

“And when his Lord tested Abraham (PBUH) with certain words, and he fulfilled them, He said: “I am making you the Imam of mankind.” Said he,” And from among my descendants?” He said,” My pledge does not extend to the unjust.” (Holy Quran, 2-124)

This verse implies Divine position of Imams and its excellence over prophet hood (those who are mere prophet and not Imam) and their flawlessness; because prophet Abraham was prophet and then reached the position of imam and asked this honor for his descendants, but God replied in an inclusive way: “My pledge does not extend to the unjust”.

Tabari writes down in his book, “Tafsir Jamaa –al- Bayan”, following to this verse:

“Muhammad Ibn Amr said: Abu Asem said: Isa related from Ibn Abi Najih: that Imam shall not be unjust.” (Jame –al- Bayan, Vol. 2, p 738)

So Imamate is one of the principles of Islam religion, mentioned by God and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and includes his Progeny from the descendants of Lady Fatima (PBUH).

To know more, refer to Ahl al-Bayt Biographies

Their pedigree is the following:


۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

Whine of Lady Fatimah (PBUH)

Whine of Lady Fatimah (PBUH)

 The late Sheikh Saduq narrates from Ibn Abbas that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Whenever I look at Fatimah, and remember the incidents and tragedies which will occur to her after me, it seems as if I see the distress enters her house and she will be disrespected and her rights will be usurped and she will be prevented from achieving her honor and her side will be hit and her child will get aborted, she cries out: “Oh Muhammed!”

 She asks for help but no one helps her, she will be always sad and depressed and tearful after my death, sometimes she will remember that revelation is disconnected from her house, and she will remember at a time when I`m gone, and she gets fearful at mid night due to not hearing me reciting the Quran during the Night Prayer as she always used to hear, then she finds herself heartsick and worrisome while she used to be precious during her father`s time, at this time God will assign angels as her companions, angles will talk to her as they used to talk to Lady Mary (PBUH) and the angles tell her:

“Oh Fatimah, Allah has chosen you and purified you, and He has chosen you above the world’s women, Oh Fatimah! Be obedient to your Lord, and prostrate and bow down with those who bow down [in prayer].”

Afterwards, it seems that I see her becoming sick and weak, in need of a nurse, then God sends Lady Mary (PBUH), the daughter of Imran (PBUH) in order to look after her, then she prays to God this way

“Oh God! I am fed up with life and the worldly people make me depressed, reunite me with my father.”(1)

God will reunite her with me, she is the first member from my Ahl-al-Bayt to join me while she is sad, distressed and dispirited and her rights are confiscated, and she has been killed, then I say to God: “Oh God, take away your mercy from those who oppressed her, punish those who confiscated her rights, disgrace those who distressed her, keep those who hit her side and killed her child in the fire of hell forever.”

 At this moment the angles say: Amen: “Oh God, answer (this prayer)”” (2)

Investigating that period of history reveals that those who confronted Lady Fatimah (PBUH) were not merely the worldliness of some Muslims who wanted Prophethood for Bani Hashim and considered caliphate their own right, but according to the verses of the Quran and narratives, two strong courses confronted Lady Fatimah (PBUH).

According to the verse 82 of the Surah Al-Maeda “Surely You will find the most hostile of all people towards the faithful to be the Jews and the polytheists”.

By the infiltration and instigation of those hypocrites who apparently converted to Islam in Muslims‘ triumphs, they developed a course of actions with the intention of governing the world. In the verse 54 of the Surah Al-Maeda, God says:

“O you who have faith! Should any of you desert his religion, Allah will soon bring a people whom He loves and who love Him”

Allameh Tabataba’i says:

“This verse conveys the apostasy of the Jews and then Divine promise was taken away from them.” (3)

But the Jews did not believe this, as it is revealed from the verse 64 of the SurahAl-Maeda:

“The Jews say, ‘Allah’s hand is tied up.’ Tied up be their hands, and cursed be they for what they say! Rather, His hands are wide open: He bestows as He wishes.”

As the verse 67 of the Surah Al-Maeda says, what was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which caused their rebellion was the guardianship of Imam Ali (PBUH). This means sovereignty of Islam and an all-out and powerful battle against Imam Ali (PBUH) and his supporters.

Since Prophet Muhammad`s (PBUH) instruction to Imam Ali (PBUH) is silence and patience, therefore; the most political lady of history is assigned to continue the mission.

With an incredible sagacity, she initially brought up the issue of “Fadak”; because if she could prove that she was rightful in this case, then, as a result, the sparks of governing regime’s illegitimacy could be ignited.

By virtue of the verse 26 of the Surah Al-Isra “Give the relatives their [due] right”, she created a movement insofar as she could prevail over the governing regime.

Now, it was the time for the next phase of the mission. Prophet Muhammad`s daughter took an important step to suppress the sedition.

Lady Fatimah (PBUH) becomes bedridden at home because of her wounds. (4)

Women of Muhajirun (The Emigrants) and Ansar (The Helpers) came to visit her and asked: “Oh daughter of Prophet Muhammad, how you survive day and night with such sickness?” (5)

Pay attention to the intelligent, illustrative and futuristic reply of Lady Fatimah (PBUH):

After praising God and saluting her father, she said:

“I swear to God that I spend day and night while I am dissatisfied with your world and hateful of your men, after  realizing their bad intentions and improper actions I left  them all and … .

Stay vigilant and listen carefully! Soon; life will reveal its wonders to you; may they become disgraced “those who suppose they are doing good” (6) and “Look! They are themselves the agents of corruption, but they are not aware” (7).

 I swear to my life, that your behaviors have consequences which you will know at its appropriate time, be prepared for incidents and sedition and crisis! And make yourselves ready for the decisive sword and the tyranny of oppressors.”

Women trembled out of fear and made their men aware.

After her strong speech, men of the Emigrants and the Helpers hastened towards her house, Lady Fatimah (PBUH) said: “Get away from me, nothing will reduce your guilt and delinquency.””

It can be understood from this event that tears and whining of Lady Fatimah (PBUH) did guide the people of Medina towards vigilance.

The leaders of the sedition heard in mosque from Imam Ali (PBUH) that “If I had 40 comrades, I would have retrieved my rights” and they felt fearful that frequent visits of the people to the house of Lady Fatimah (PBUH) will make them aware, therefore; they commenced to plan another scheme.

They delivered the message to Imam Ali (PBUH) that “Tell Fatimah to cry out either during the day or at night!”

Since no one like the leaders of the sedition was aware of the bright influence of these tears.

“And the wrongdoers will soon know at what goal they will end up.” (8)


  • Translation of the book “Bayt al-Ahzan-House of Sorrows”, Affliction and whines of Lady Fatimah (PBUH) written by Haj Sheikh Abbas Qomi
  • Translation of the book “Bayt al-Ahzan-House of Sorrows”, Affliction and whines of Lady Fatimah (PBUH) written by Haj Sheikh Abbas Qomi
  • Al-Mizan, / v. 2
  • Al-Tabaqat Al-Kobra written by Ibn Sa’d / v. 8
  • Al-Ihtijaaj Tabarsi/ v. 1
  • The Quran (Al-Kahf: 104)
  • The Quran (Al-Baqara: 12)
  • The Quran (Ash-Shura: 227)

Extracted from ّFarsi Masaf website

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

آرامش زن، مانعی برای نفوذ شیطان


بسم‌الله الرحمن الرحیم

آرامش زن، مانعی برای نفوذ شیطان

بدون شک باید گفت کانون خانواده مقدس‎ترین نهادی است که نه‌تنها اسلام بلکه تمامی ادیان الهی و حتی مکاتب غیر الهی توصیه به تشکیل آن کرده و جهت استحکام آن دستورات و قوانین خاصی را  وضع کردهاند.

این حجم از و تقدس باعث شده است که این اجتماع کوچک اما پربرکت الهی در تمام ادوار، بیش از سایر روابط انسانی مورد هجمه شیاطین جن و انس قرار گیرد و این حمله گسترده در دوران ما یعنی آخرالزمان بیش از سایر ایام است.

شیطان و اعوان انصارش از هر نژاد و جنس می‎دانند که کانون خانواده به‌اندازه‌ای مقدس است که اگر پا بگیرد و در مسیر درست حرکت کند، برکات آن، می‎تواند مسیر تاریخ را زیرورو کرده و جبهه حق را جاودانه گرداند.

باید گفت حتی اگر نخواهیم  نگاهی کارشناسانه و روانشناسی به آسیب‌هایی که امروزه خانواده‌ها با آن دست‌به‌گریبان هستند بنگریم، یک بررسی تجربه گرایانه به محیط پیرامون ما نشان می‌دهد اکثر اختلافات و طلاق‌ها در سال‌های  ابتدایی ازدواج رخ می‌دهد

هرچند علم روانشناسی و مشاوره تضادهای مختلف فردی و خانوادگی و فرهنگی و عدم تجانس طرفین را علت اصلی این اختلافات و درنهایت طلاقها می‌دانند اما نباید از تلاش شیطان و اعوان‌وانصار انسان نمای او برای برهم زدن این کانون مقدس و الهی غافل بود.

هرچند نباید از این نکته غافل بود که در اکثر موارد آنچه اسباب نفوذ شیاطین در زندگی‌های امروز را فراهم می‎آورد زمینه‎سازی زوجین از طریق ارتکاب گناهان مختلف و باز کردن راه شیطان به زندگی آن‎هاست.

پخش و نگاه به تصاویر مستهجن، دشنام و توهین به خانواده‌ها، سوءظن و ..... ازجمله مواردی است که زمینه تأثیرگذاری وسوسه شیطان برای برهم زدن یک خانواده مخصوصاً یک زندگی تازه بنیان را فراهم می‎کند.

باید گفت بدون شک در کنار دوری از گناه، ابراز محبت هم به‌صورت لسانی و مهم‌تر از آن به‌صورت عملی، و همچنین حفظ احترام متقابل، اصل اساسی است که می‎تواند سد راهی برای نفوذ شیطان و درنتیجه استحکام بنیان خانواده است.

دراین‌بین بی‌تردید نوع آفرینش زن و لطافت‎های خدادادی او، باعث شده است که زن، به اصلی‎ترین کانون محبت در خانواده تبدیل شود که توانایی تزریق آرامش و صمیمیت به همسر و فرزندان خود را دارد.

نکته‎ای که نباید ازنظر دور داشت این است که در هر خانواده  اولویت اصلی در ابراز محبت بیش و پیش از هر چیز ابراز محبت زن و شوهر به یکدیگر است؛ وقتی‌که این اتفاق می‌افتد فرزندان علاوه بر کسب آرامش پیش‎آمده از محبت بی‎دریغ پدر و مادر خود بهره‎مند می‎شوند.

در توضیح باید گفت شکی نیست که محبت و دوستی، گوهر گران‌بهایی است؛ که خداوند در نهاد زن و مرد قرار داده است. تنها می‏بایست دو همسر این امر فطری را ابراز نمایند تا رابطه دوستانه و صمیمانه آنان بیش‌ازپیش برقرار گردد.

مرد در عرصه اجتماع با افراد گوناگون و سلایق مختلف مواجه می‏شود و بسا اوقات مورد اهانت قرار می‏گیرد. زن می‏تواند با خوش‌رویی و اظهار محبت به شوهر، از غم و اندوهش بکاهد و با چهره‏ای دل‏انگیز او را مسرور نماید.

حضرت رضا علیه‌السلام می‏فرماید:

«اِعْلَمْ اَنَّ النِّساءَ شَتی‏ فَمِنْهُنَّ الْغَنیمَةُ وَ الْغَرامَةُ وَ هِیَ الْمُتَحَبِّبَةُ لِزَوْجِها وَالْعاشِقَةُ لَهُ»

«بدان که زنان گوناگون‌اند؛ بعضی زن‏ها دستاوردی گران‌بها و پاداش(رنج‏های آدمی) هستند و این زن کسی است به شوهرش محبت می‏کند و عاشق اوست»(1)

باید دانست زمانی که این عشق و محبت هم‌زبانی باشد و هم رفتاری و عملی تأثیر آن در زندگی دوچندان خواهد بود؛ ازاین‌روست که  امام صادق‏علیه السلام می‏فرماید:

«ما مِنْ اِمْرَأَةٍ تَسْقی‏ زَوْجَها شَرْبَةً مِنْ ماءٍ اِلاَّ کانَ خَیْراً لَها مِنْ عِبادَةِ سَنَة صِیامِ نَهارِها وَ قِیامِ لَیْلِها»

«هیچ زنی نیست که آب به همسرش بنوشاند، درحالی‌که این کار از عبادت یک سال که روزهایش روزه باشد و شب‏هایش به عبادت بایستد بهتر است»(2)

نکته پایانی این است که روحیه مردان به‌گونه‌ای است که در برابر محبت، نرم و دل‌بسته می‏شود و هرچه در توان دارند و به دست می‏آورند را به‌پای محبوب خود می‏ریزند و کانون گرم خانواده بامحبت هر چه بیشتر شکل می‏گیرند. اینجاست که به اسرار سفارش بسیار درباره احترام و محبت زنان به مردان در روایات اسلامی می‏توان پی برد.

به تعبیری می‎توان گفت اسلام 1500 سال پیش، به‌گونه‌ای ظریف و روان‌شناسانه، راه اصلی رسیدن به آرامش در زندگی خانوادگی را به بانوان آموزش داده است.


فهرست منابع

  1. مستدرک‏ الوسائل، ج 14، ص‏161
  2. وسائلالشیعه، ج‏14، ص 123
۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

یک وکیل مسلمان به سبب حجاب از دادگاه ایتالیا اخراج شد

یک وکیل مسلمان به سبب حجاب از دادگاه ایتالیا اخراج شد shia muslim                   
قاضی دادگاهی در شهر «بولونیا» ایتالیا به دلیل ضدیت با پوشش روسری یک وکیل کارآموز 25 ساله مسلمان، او را از دادگاه اخراج کرد.

در ادامه انتشار گاه و بیگاه اخبار اسلام‌هراسی در کشورهای غربی، خبرها از شهر «بولونیا» ایتالیا حاکی از اخراج یک وکیل مسلمان به دلیل حجاب اسلامی اوست.

قاضی دادگاهی در شهر بولونیا ایتالیا، به وکیل کارآموز مسلمان فرمان داد اگر خواهان حضور در جلسه دادگاه است، باید حجاب اسلامی و روسری از سر بردارد.

به گزارش روزنامه دیلی صاباح ترکیه، «عصما بلفکیر» 25 ساله و مغربی‌تبار، اظهارنظر اسلام‌ستیزانه قاضی ایتالیایی را نپذیرفت و حفظ حجابش را به حضور در دادگاه ترجیح داد.

او پس از اقدام ضد اسلامی قاضی ایتالیایی، به رسانه‌ها از تجربه ناگوار خود در جلسه دادگاه شهر بولونیا سخن گفته و از قاضی انتقاد کرد.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰