شهید دکتر احمدرضا احدی

?Are you the great sacrifice


He says: “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

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پندانه 3

همانطور که شما دوست ندارید همسرتان دائم سرش به گوشی و فضای مجازی باشد او هم این را برای شما نمی‌پسندد.

پس بیشتر با همسرتان باشید نه در فضای مجازی

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

?Does Islam have any problem with celebrating


Does Islam have any problem with celebrating?



According to the Wahhabi scholars’ fatwa, celebrating the anniversary of a marriage or birth or any other celebration is forbidden. Does Islam have any problem with celebrating?


First of all, it should be noted that Wahhabism has nothing to do with Islam at all. Behind all such Wahhabi Fatwas lies their anti-Islam and Ahl-ul-Bayt impetus, which is the same for their fatwas against celebration. Although there is no restriction for being happy at any particular day in the Holy Qur’an or Islam, and there are many hadiths from the Prophet (PBUH) about happiness, especially in the family gatherings, Wahhabis has banned it as they banned “eating of cucumber and eggplant for women!” Or their other Ridiculous fatwas; of course, if such ceremonies are far from sins, idle gaming or diversion and so on, they are not subject to any religious restriction. But the main ground for Wahhabis’ opposition to celebrating is to prevent people from celebrating on the eighteenth day of Dhū al-Ḥijjah (Day of Ghadir Khom), ss the Shiites and sometimes Sunnite have celebrated this day.

Wahhabism reasoning for labeling “Deviation” on an action is just one argument: “The Prophet and his Companions did not do such an action, so if we do, we are deviators”!!!!!!

For example, the Companions did not ride a plane or a car; they did not eat food by spoon, so may this by a reason to leave such devices?!! The companions were always riding donkeys and camels for Hajj and religious ceremonies, so do we have to go to the Hajj by riding camels or donkeys? Or if we do, have we made a deviation?!

When Religion is not dynamic, it becomes ridiculous in the modern world as Wahhabism’s fatwas are subjects for ridicule of Western media, although Wahhabism has nothing to do with Islam in the back ground.

But when we say behind their fatwas there is a confrontation against Islam and Prophet we must prove our argument:

You may observe a contradiction in the words of ibn al Uthaymeen (the prominent Wahhabist scholar):

In the book of “Majmou Fatawi va Rasael Fasilat-ul-Sheikh Muhammad-ibn-Saleh al Uthaymeen (one of the Mufties of Saudi Arabia), published by Al-Tharia, Vol. 2, Fatwas about beliefs, gathered by Fahad bin Nasser ibn Ibrahim ibn Suleiman, page 297:

Sheikh was questioned about celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (PBUH)?

He answered:

First of all, the Prophet’s (PBUH) birthday is not clear if it is 17th of Rabī‘al-awwal or 12th of Rabī‘al-awwal. Some Wahhabi contemporaries have found that his birthday is in the ninth night of Rabī‘al-awwal, not the twelfth night.

Secondly, there is no religious ground for celebration. If there was any, the Prophet (PBUH) would have performed it and so his people.


In the book of “Uthaymeen Sheikh ibn Saleh, Majmou Fatawa and Rasael, Vol. 2, published by Al-Tharia, gathered by Fahad bin Nasser ibn Ibrahim bn Suleiman, page 297”:

The Sheikh was questioned about the anniversary week of Mohammed bin Abdul Wahhab, whose response is interesting.

Each year they named a week after Muhammad –ibn-Abdul Wahhab at Mohammed bin Saud University, celebrating every day during the week for Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab.

At the time of Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Saud, the great Mufti preceding ben Baaz, such a ceremony was created. Mr. Abdul Aziz Al Saud, in the third period of their rule, named this week after Sheikh Mohammed –ibn – Abd ul-Wahhab by sheikh’s order and advice. And Uthaymeen was questioned in this regard, in the same book, page 300:

It was asked from Ibn Uthaymeen: what is the difference between the week of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab and the birthday of the Prophet (PBUH), that there is no problem for celebrating the first one while celebrating the latter is forbidden?

He replies: “The difference, as far as I know, is two issues: firstly the people do not celebrate the week of Muhammad ibn  Abdul-Wahhab for God’s sake, and their purpose is to respond to the doubts about this man.”

(For example, Mr. Mohammed ibn Firuz in the Ahsā region, which, according to the Wahhabis, is the closest to Islam and is Allamah, and the greatest mufti of his time, had doubts that Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab had not a legitimate birth, but was illegitimately born. This week is held to answer such doubts!)

Secondly, this week is not holding every year, (Although it is actually held every year).

“Ibn Uthaymeen ibn Saleh, Majmou’ ul-Fataw and Rasael, Vol. 2 page 300”

The next person, Mr. Ben Baaz, the famous Mufti of Wahhabism:

Mr. Ben Baaz in the book if “Majmouat –ul- Fatawa va Maghalat Motanavea”, compiled by Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman bin Baaz, Volume 4, published by Dar al-Qasim, Researched by Mohammed bin Sa’ad al-Shuvayar, p. 289:

Is it permissible for Muslims to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (PBUH)?

Answer: It is not permissible for the Muslims to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (PBUH) whether at 12th of Rabi ‘al-Awwal or otherwise, as it is not permissible for them to celebrate the birthday of themselves or others.

Celebrating birthday is one of the Deviations that have been added to religion; the Prophet (PBUH) did not celebrate his birthday during his lifetime. The Companions, the Elder Caliphs, and the Followers did not perform such an action, so it turns out that this is a deviation.

But the same person wrote about eight pages on the subject of anniversary week of Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab and why we should celebrate one week for Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab. Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, who by the confession of great Sunni scholars, and the greatest Mufti at the time of the Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, himself, had been illegitimately born.

But has the Prophet’s birthday ever been important to himself or has he mentioned it at all?

It was asked from the Prophet (PBUH) about fasting on Mondays, that whether it is permissible or not? The Prophet said: Monday is the day in which I was born, [there is no need to fast at this day]. This is the day in which the Holy Quran was revealed to me and that is the day in which I was Chosen.

(Sahih Moslem, published by Dar al Tayabe, p. 519, al-Siam section, Hadith 1160)

Did the Prophet (PBUH) understood less than Wahhabis not to do such an action, that these Wahhabis blatantly say: he has been born, what important thing he did that we should celebrate for him.

On the other hand, Egyptian artist Majdi Idris said: “Salafis (Wahhabis) banned the celebration of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) without any ground from the Quran and Sunnah and there is no legal text about this, and the protest against the Prophet’s birthday is only a personal opinion that the Salafis are trying to promote while they should keep it for themselves only inside their own house.

Islam not only has not any disagree with happiness and celebration, but also orders it.
In the orders of Islam, there seems to be a valuable attitude toward creating joy and mirth which is sometimes about the self and sometimes for others.

Smiling face to others, wearing clean clothes with bright colors, wearing nice scents, cleanliness and order, being in nature and looking at the greenery and water, kindness and affection to the fellows, being mirth with friends, removing grudge and envy and making other people happy, are all good personal and social conventions designed to create an atmosphere of joy and to remove grief and eventually, rejuvenate physical and spiritual powers for further efforts and works in the community.

Imam Musa-al-Kadhim (PBUH) said: “Make peaceful pleasures for your prosperity and meet the desires of the heart in a legitimate way. Take care that this does not damage your dignity and manhood, and do not be squanderer and extremist. And with this attitude you will succeed better in your religious affairs. He is not from us who leaves his worldly affairs for his religion or to abandon his religion for gaining his worldly affairs “(Majlesi, 1403 AH, Vol. 75, p. 321).

In another word, that bright leader suggests a part of the day to be allocated to joy and happiness and legitimate amusement: “Try to divide your time into four parts: one Part for worship and privacy with God. A part for securing your livelihood, one to associate with trusted brothers and those who make you aware of your vices and are inertly faithful to you and also spend a part of your time for pleasure and fun, and attain power for other duties with such joys, “(the same, Vol. 75, p. 322).

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Aashura, Isfahan 2018


Aashura, Isfahan 2018

A message about humanity for all humankind

september 2018 , Isfahan city, Iran

International Masaf along and its tourism group in Isfahan (Iran) with Naseriyeh school

distributed water bottles along with some cards and leaflets among tourists during Muharram days

to spread the message of Imam Hussain (PBUH) about humanity.

tourists was impressed by Imam Hussain (PBUH) and Aashura story

and it was a brand new experience for them to be in Iran among Shia Muslims

while they always had heard lies about this country and its religious people by Media

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تأثیر علمی عاشق شدن بر بدن

1⃣ عشق مسکن طبیعی است!
تحقیقات دانشمندان ثابت کرده اکسی توسین(ماده شیمیایی در مغز که حس آرامش و نزدیکی را ایجاد می‌کند) ترشح شده حین ۱۰ تا ۲۰ ثانیه در آغوش کشیدن،‌ می‌تواند به طور مؤثری با درد مبارزه کند؛ به خصوص سردرد.

2⃣ عشق از قلب تو محافظت می‌کند!
تحقیقات نشان می‌دهند ابراز کردن عشق می‌تواند ضربان قلب را به نصف کاهش دهد. این امر حتی زمانی که استرس داری مؤثر است و در دراز مدت خطر مشکلات قلبی را کاهش میدهد.

3⃣ عشق به درمان بیماری‌ها کمک می‌کند!
کارها و حرف‌های عاشقانه، از گرفتن دست تا ابراز کردن عشق، می‌تواند تولید اندروفین بدن را بالا ببرد و در نتیجه، موجب بهبود عملکرد سیستم ایمنی شود.افرادی که مشکلات جسمی دارند و در نزدیکی عشق خود هستند، موفقیت بیشتری در مبارزه با بیماری ها دارند.

4⃣ عشق درمان بی‌خوابی است!
هورمون‌های عشقی (اندروفین و اکستاسین) از ترشح کورتیزول (هورمون استرس) جلوگیری کرده و در نتیجه به طور طبیعی موجب استراحت بهتر می‌شوند. همچنین ثابت شده پیکربندی هورمونی ناشی از عشق‌، یکی از بهینه‌ترین درمان‌ها برای خواب راحت شبانه است.
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Campaign #SayYaHussain – Muharram 2017


Campaign #SayYaHussain – Muharram 2017

Locations: Sacramento, California, USA &

Berkeley, California, USA

Website: Ashura.info

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Imamate (Leadership and Succession)

God says in the Holy Quran:

“The day we shall call forth all mankind along with their Imams (leaders), (meaning resurrection day)” (17-71)

And in another verse God recalls two groups of Imams in Quran:

The first group:

“We turned them into Imams who invite to the Fire. On Resurrection Day they will not be supported” (28-41)

According to this verse, there are a group of Imams who invite to fire. So there should be some Imams to invite to the paradise.

 The second group:

“And We made of them Imams to guide by Our command when they were patient And they were certain of Our revelations” (32-24)

This group has two characteristics: 1- patience, 2- Certainty about God’s revelations. It is obvious which one we should choose between first group and second group.

The holy Quran does not allow us to follow everyone but our duty has been expressed in the 35th verse of Surah “Yunus”:

“Is He then who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who himself does not go aright unless he is guided?” What then is the matter with you; how do you judge” (10-35)

The purpose of prophet hood is to bring teachings which release mankind from ignorance. This was the target of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during 23 years of his prophet hood. The teachings of each prophet were to be strengthened by the next prophet alongside history and in this way; they opposed the alteration and decline of god’s commandments. But since Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the last prophet and his religion was the most perfect (in considering details) so this responsibility is on Imam (a guide, a leader) to express his teachings correctly to people and prevent from distorting. It is only infallible person (Imam) which may be the best religious reference for people.

That is why, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) introduced Imam Ali (PBUH) as his successor and the first Imam in the day of Qadir, and after his time, 11 Imams from his descendants, who were chosen by God, followed him. Shia sect is the only religion which believes in all 12 imams and also believes that the 12th Imam is absent and he and Prophet Jesus will reappear to carry out God’s commandments and divine justice in the world.

Imamate in Shia and Sunni sects

Sunni Scholars are two categories in this regard. Some of them consider Imamate as one principles of religion and some of them as secondary affairs.

Abdullah –Ibn- Omar Beizavi (D.685H) discusses about principle affairs and secondary affairs and denotes about secondary affairs: “If one denies or opposes one of secondary affairs, he is neither blasphemer, nor heretic, unlike Imamat that if one denies or opposes it, becomes blasphemer and heretic.” (Menhaj-ul-Vosul ela elm-ol-Osul p75-76)

Also, Sabki on of the most renowned Sunni scholars, discuss about principle and secondary affairs and he adds: “Unlike Imamate which is one the principles. Objection and denial of Imamate is heresy and shall have dire consequences for men and community.” (Al-Enhaj, Vol. 4, p 296)

 Some other Sunni elders consider Imamate to be one secondary affairs. Ghazali (D.H505) writes down: “Imamate is not an important matter or one of the subjects of beliefs, but a subject of jurisprudence.” (Al-eghtesad fi –l-eeteghad, Vol. 1, p 453)

In all Islamic sects, it is only Shia which denotes Imamate to be one of the principles of religion and accepts 12 Imam.

The Holy Quran says:

“Accept anything the Messenger may give you, and keep away from anything he withholds from you” (59-7)


“Obey Allah (God) and obey the Messenger” (64-12)

Obedience toward Allah is accompanied by obedience toward prophet which means it is mandatory to obey prophet as it is mandatory to obey Allah and it is forbidden to violate his instructions.

Prophet of Islam has introduced Imams and the savior of the last age which is their 12th by name an marks, in more than thousand quotations in Shia and Sunni books.

Imam Ali’s leadership (Imamate)

There are many verses in Quran which has been revealed about his virtues and excellence over other men. Many Shia and Sunni scholars named about 350 verses in this regard, but we shall suffice to some quotations of Sunni scholars in this matter.

Ibn Asaker one of the great scholars of Sunni faith writes down in the book of “The history of Damascus”:

“It is quoted from Ibn Abbas, 30 verses has been revealed about Ali (PBUH)” (The history of Damascus Vol.42, p364; The history of Caliphs, p171; al-Savaegh-ol-Muhraghih, p196)

Soyuti writes down in his book “The history of Caliphs”:

“There has not been revealed so many verses about anyone as Ali” (The history of Caliphs, p171; al-Savaegh-ol-Muhraghih, p127)

And even many Sunni scholars related that a quarter of Quran is about Ali (PBUH), but the most important verses about him are as follows:

“Your guardian is only Allah, His Apostle, and the faithful who maintain the prayer and give the Zakat (alms giving) while bowing down” (Holy Quran 5-55)

This verse is definitely about Imam Ali (PBUH); because it was revealed when Imam Ali, spared his ring while was bowing down in prayer to a poor man calling for alms. Many Sunni scholars are explicit that this verse is about Imam Ali (PBUH).

Ghazi azd-u-din Al-eeji (D. 756H) writes down:

“All interpreters of Holy Quran are unanimous that the meaning of this verse is Ali.” (Al-Mavaghef fi elm-al-kalam, p405)

And Saad-u-din Taftazani says explicitly:

“All interpreters of Holy Quran are unanimous that it is about Ali which spared his ring to a poor man while he was bowing down in prayer.”

And Ala-u-din Ali –Ibn- Muhammad Hanafi called Ghushji says:

“According to all interpreters of Quran it has been revealed about Ali Ibn Abi Talib when he spared his ring to a poor man while bowing down in prayer.”

And Alusi says:

“Most relaters believe this verse to be about Ali (PBUH)” (Ruh-ul-Maani, Vol. 6, p168)

Anyhow, apostle of Allah was aware of the future of his companions and the transformation of their beliefs and souls, so predicted their disobedience and their reluctance toward guardianship of Imam Ali (PBUH):

Hakim Neishaburi writes down in “al mustadrak”:

“Quoted from Ali: Prophet told me: “after me, people shall devise plot against you”. And he adds that “this is an authentic quotation but Bukhari and Muslim didn’t relate it.” (al-Mustadrak, Hakim Neishaburi (D.405H), Vol. 3, p 150)

Refusing prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about the guardianship of Imam Ali (PBUH) by his companions, was not their first disobedience. So their disagreement about the quotation of Qadir doesn’t suffice to refuse this quotation.

Imam’s flawlessness in Quran

There are many verses about Imam’s flawlessness in Quran. For example:

“Indeed Allah desires to repel all impurity from you, O People of the Household, and purify you with a thorough purification” (33-33)

This is one of the verses which revealed about excellence and greatness of Prophet Muhammad and his household and defines the scope of his household. The Sunni people should note that, this part has been revealed independently not alongside its former of latter parts. This can be easily proved by about 70 quotations in this regard. There is not even one quotation to relate that this part was revealed alongside other parts and it is addressed to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and there is not any scholar to even claim this. Even those scholars who consider this part to be addressed to prophet’s wives, like Akrama Khariji, don’t claim it to be revealed in the same line.

There is not any reason that this part was revealed alongside its former and latter part. If Sunni scholars claim the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to be from the household they should prove that this verse has been revealed in the same line with the other parts, but there is no proof for that.

Moreover, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had more than one household, and few wives with an independent house for each one; So if the meaning of this verse is the wives of the prophet, it should say “households” instead of “household” as it is said in the beginning of this verse:

“Stay in your houses” (33-33)

Or in the verse 53rd of Surah “Ahzab”:

“O! You who have faith! Do not enter the Prophet’s houses…”

So the meaning of this verse is not the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

It is interesting that none of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) claimed this verse to be about them or that they are part of its meaning. Most quotations in this regards has been related from Ayesha and Um-Salamah, which both of them insist that this is about the “companions of Cloak” (Ahl Al- Kesa, Ahl al-Bayt)

Many Sunni scholars, who address this verse without prejudices, confessed that the meaning of this verse is no one but the companions of cloak and doesn’t include the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Tahavi, one of the great scholars of Sunni sect writes down in his book:

“related from Amer Ibn Sa’ad from his father who said when this verse was revealed, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called Ali, Lady Fatima, Hassan and Hussain and said “O Allah, They are my household” so the meaning of this verse is Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain (PBUT)” (Tuhfat –ul- akhyar betartib Sarh Mushkil al-athar – Vol. 8, pp 470-471)

Samhudi another elder Sunni scholar writes down:

“They are the companions of cloak (Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain (PBUH)) and it is deduced from this verse that God has special regard about them.” (Javaher –ul- eghdain, p 204, section 1)

There are other verses in the Holy Quran to prove the flawlessness of Prophet Muhammad and Imams, which we recommend you to see interpretation books of Shia scholars including “Tafsir Al-Mizan, Allamah Tabatabaii”

“O! You who have faith! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those vested with authority among you.” (Holy Quran, 4-59)

This verse proves the flawlessness of prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and Imams (PBUH), because it prescribes the obedience to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and those vested with authority, in an unconditional way, which means that any order instructed by them should be obeyed in any condition.

If those vested with authority, are not to be flawless, they may intentionally or unintentionally give orders which is against the commandments of God or Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which in this way if their instruction is to be followed, so the commandments of God has been violated and if not be obeyed, then again the instructions of God has been violated.

This Paradox concludes that, they should be flawless. Even Fakhr Razi, the great Sunni interpreter, concludes flawlessness from this verse, and adds in the following of this verse:

“Thus it is proved that Allah’s command to obey those vested with authority is definite and also proved anyone, whose obedience is binding according to the commandment of god, should be flawless, so the people who are the meaning of this verse should be flawless.” (Tafsir al-Razi, Vol. 10, p144)

“And when his Lord tested Abraham (PBUH) with certain words, and he fulfilled them, He said: “I am making you the Imam of mankind.” Said he,” And from among my descendants?” He said,” My pledge does not extend to the unjust.” (Holy Quran, 2-124)

This verse implies Divine position of Imams and its excellence over prophet hood (those who are mere prophet and not Imam) and their flawlessness; because prophet Abraham was prophet and then reached the position of imam and asked this honor for his descendants, but God replied in an inclusive way: “My pledge does not extend to the unjust”.

Tabari writes down in his book, “Tafsir Jamaa –al- Bayan”, following to this verse:

“Muhammad Ibn Amr said: Abu Asem said: Isa related from Ibn Abi Najih: that Imam shall not be unjust.” (Jame –al- Bayan, Vol. 2, p 738)

So Imamate is one of the principles of Islam religion, mentioned by God and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and includes his Progeny from the descendants of Lady Fatima (PBUH).

To know more, refer to Ahl al-Bayt Biographies

Their pedigree is the following:


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content for Aashura and Arba’een in some languages – 2018


content for Aashura and Arba’een in some languages – 2018

You can hold Aashura or Arba’een anniversary in your country by making the others familiar with this event

As you can donate in this day, you can publish and distribute some context.

We have prepared something for you. you can also use contents of last year

you can use them in the best way, then take some related photo and send them to be published in your name, in the website and related social networks.


the brochure

in English, Arabic, Urdu, Farsi (Persian), French, Bangali, German, Hausa, Hindi, Mexican, Portuguese, Russian, Sawahili, Spanish

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Card & Label – 1

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Card & Label – 2

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پندانه 2

همسرانی موفقند که :


در گفتگو با هم صدای خود را بلند نکنند


 تماس چشمی‌ برقرار کنند


 بخوبی به حرف‌های طرف مقابل گوش کنند


اگر نکته‌ای را متوجه نشدند، درمورد آن محترمانه سوال کنند

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پندانه 1

در مقابل کسی که به همسرتان بی احترامی می کند باستید.
از تلاشی که برای زندگی تان می کند قدردانی کنید.
در کارهایتان با هم مشورت کنید.
برای رسیدن به اهدافتان با هم برنامه ریزی کنید.
بیش از اندازه کار نکنید، برای با هم بودن نیز وقت بگذارید.
اگر مرتکب اشتباهی شدید، همدیگر را ببخشید.
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